Below are some overall attack concepts that work with lots of different combinations. It is generally a good idea to be aware of these different tactics regardless of the particular army you are using.
1. Luring Clan Castle and Heroes
Unless you are just attacking collectors and can get in and out very quickly, it is ALWAYS a good idea to lure and kill the Clan Castle and Heroes.
Drop a single Barbarian or Archer within range of the Heroes first to attract their attention, then keep dropping single troops within range of the Clan Castle until they are all deployed.
Finally, drop a single troop at the edge of the map on the side you wish to attack from, preferably away from the defences. If you can anchor the troop their by attacking a building that is out of defence range then that is perfect - if not it is best to use Barbarians because they are slower and will last longer before you need to drop the next one.
The Clan Castle troops and Heroes will walk towards the troops you are dropping, so keep going until they are close by - with Heroes you need to drop the next troop before the last one dies because otherwise they will start walking back immediately and will take a lot longer to arrive.
When the Castle troops and Heroes have arrived drop 15-30 troops (depending on level etc...) to kill them away from the defences - then continue on with your attack and ignore them. Once they have finished killing the Castle Troops and Heroes they will join you as reinforcements.
Be VERY wary of Wizards, Valkyries, Dragons and to a smaller extent Wallbreakers - all these troops have Splash damage, so if you cluster your troops together they will take them all out at once. If you encounter these troops then drop your troops in a ring around them so that they can't all be targeted at once.
Heroes on defence receive a major buff - A level 1 Barbarian King can easily kill a level 5 Barbarian King if it is defending - be aware of this when deploying your own Heroes.
You can use Air troops (such as Minions) to distract and/or kill the Barbarian King easily because he can't fight them.
2. Meat Shields
The term 'Meat Shields' describes using a high Hitpoints troop (such as a Giant or Golem) to attract the enemy fire and spare your lower hit points (and generally higher damage per second) troops. Meat Shields are particularly effective at protecting Tier One troops (Barbarians, Archers and Goblins) from the splash damage of Mortars and Wizard Towers. You can also use a Meat Shield to protect Wallbreakers long enough to get them to the walls. It is important to remember that defences target troops in order of their proximity AND barracks level - so a Giant does not make a good meat shield for a wizard (because giants are a lower barracks level than wizards).
3. Using Wallbreakers
The Artificial Intelligence of the wallbreakers is to target walls that are 'trapping' buildings. They will look for the nearest building that is trapped and then target the closest and weakest wall to them that is trapping that building. They will walk longer to avoid double walls and to a smaller degree walls with more hit points (ie: less damaged or higher level). They also have a range that they look within. If a building is not trapped but the path to it is too long then the wallbreaker will act as if it is trapped. If all trapped buildings are too far away they will just attack the closest walls.
Wallbreakers also have a small delay while they set their bombs, this means that if you deploy all your wallbreakers at once they will often use 5-6 wallbreakers to blow up one wall before moving on to the next even if only 1-2 were necessary.
The most efficient Wallbreaker Strategy is to drop a Meat Shield first to protect them and then to drop them in groups of 1-3 (depending on strength required) and wait until they have blown up or are about to blow up a wall before you drop the next group. Also pay attention to where they will go and try to drop them nearest the wall they will target for less exposure and faster wall takedown. If you know they are going to walk around the section you want to destroy and target one at the side then just drop them next to the one at the side first to take it out and then drop them near the section you wish to destroy
You can also use Archers to clear a single or small group of trapped buildings to stop the Wallbreakers targeting irrelevant enclosures. This is particularly useful for highly segmented bases.
4. Using Healers
When using Healers it is very important to remember that they cannot heal a dead troop. This means that they are most effectively used with high Hitpoints troops such as Giants, Golems and PEKKAs. They are also unable to Heal flying troops and are useless with Dragons. Their healing rate with Heroes is halved so they are less effective with heroes, however they can be great at the end of a battle to stop your hero sleeping for a long time.
Healers are very easily taken out with Air Defence towers and can be hurt a lot by Air Mines. Use other troops to clear out Air Defences nearby before you deploy them, and if you have them you can use Minions to clear Air Mines and Air Bombs.
5. The PEKKA Walk around
Although PEKKAs when used effectively can be devastating they do have a peculiar problem of prioritising buildings outside walls much higher than attacking the walls themselves. All troops can do this but the problem seems particularly pronounced with the PEKKA.
Use other troops to clear outside buildings in a fairly wide radius so that the PEKKA does not walk around the base and instead will target the core of the base.
6. Using Heroes to Attack
Heroes can be an amazing addition to your attack force. If you want to throw him into the battle and don't care about sleep times the Barbarian King is best used in a similar way to a PEKKA, partially as a Meat Shield and partially for the high DPS.
The Archer Queen is particularly effective behind Meat Shield troops due to her enormous range, she also works well behind archers too because she stays much further back and doesn't get targeted as much.
Farmers will often use the Heroes at the end of a battle to clear up a few extra collectors or exposed storages - this way they sleep for a minimal amount of time and are ready for the next battle
Trophy hunters that like to have the Heroes available for every battle will use the Heroes to pick off the buildings that players often place in the corner of the maps to prevent 3 Star attacks.
7. The Clan Castle on Attack
The most obvious thing about the Clan Castle that is most commonly forgotten is to check out what is in it before you attack! There is nothing more annoying than dropping a Clan Castle on an attack and having the wrong troop mix come up (ie: dropping a single dragon right near a bunch of air defence towers). The Clan Castle troops can either be used at the start of the attack to deploy a Meat Shield (if you have them in there) or can be great as re-enforcements when the battle isn't going the way you expected. Troops deploy from the castle in in order of their barracks level and then upgrade level. Deployment is much slower than normal troops, so it is best not to deploy under heavy fire.
8. Avoiding Traps
Traps are an element of the game that can easily swing an attack against you in the blink of an eye. Look for unexplained spaces within a base to spot where a player may have deployed a trap. In particular, if one side of the base seems much more exposed than the other, then there is a high likelihood that the player has buffed the defence on that side with traps. If you suspect traps, then drop a few lower levels troop first (Barbarian for Ground and Minions for Air) to set the traps off.
If you see an empty deployment spot in the middle of an otherwise well laid out base then DO NOT DROP YOUR TROOPS IN THERE. Players do this as a way of trapping inexperienced players - the blank spot might look like an easy way of getting inside the walls, however in reality there is generally a huge amount of splash and point defence focussed on that one spot so that when you drop your troops they are wiped out before they can even attack.
9. Using Spells
Spells can be a fantastic way of boosting an attack to get that extra lot of Trophies or some extra Loot.
Rage and Heal
Generally it is best to drop these spells a few squares in front of where your troops are headed so that the troops walk into them. They work best on troops with high damage (for Rage) and high hit points (for Heal). Multiple Heal spells do stack and provide more healing, however multiple Rage spells do not provide increased damage and speed above the level of one spell.
The primary use for lightning currently is lower townhall levels using it to attack Dark Elixir storages of higher townhall level on revenge, or when they are unable to get to the Dark Elixir using normal troops. The other use for lightning is to drop it on an Air Defence or Mortar at the start of an attack to increase the odds of winning or getting the loot.
For Farming
Due to their cost spells are only effective for farming when the extra loot they allow you to get is higher than the cost of the spells used. This is almost never the case when raiding collectors and is rarely the case when raiding storages.
10. Queuing Troops
Always queue up troops before you start searching for an attack. Troops will start being made from the moment you start searching for an attack (not just from when you start attacking). If you don't find a battle and come back to your base with full troops then no troops will be made, however if you use only a small amount of troops or are searching for a long time then you can often come back to your base and have full army camps ready to go straight away.
A good rule of thumb is to queue up a minimum of 8 minutes worth of troops, for example 20 Archers or 4 Giants/Wallbreakers per barracks. Queue up the troops that you are most likely to use in the battle or one that you don't mind having more of in the event you don't use them (usually Archers are best).
11. Barracks Distribution
Barracks distribution is a bit of an art form - the goal is to setup your troops so that they all finish at the same time and hence minimize your waiting time.
For most people the best troop to queue first (ie: before you start attacking) are Archers - they are both the most versatile and the most accepted donation, so that you are never without donation troops when a clan member requests.
You then queue up the remainder of your troops, trying to distribute them evenly between your barracks. If you are using Giants or Wallbreakers where you will often have variable numbers that you will need to adjust based on the last battle it is generally best to put them directly following the Archers and then to have Barbarians or Goblins as the last troop queued up. That way you can adjust the distribution of Barbarians or Goblins based on how many Giants/Wallbreakers you need to make. So for example if you have to make 10 Wallbreakers and 20 Barbarians you can distribute them as: 3 Wallbreakers, 2 Barbarians in 2 barracks and 2 Wallbreakers, 8 Barbarians in 2 barracks.
Quantities that are divisible by both 2, 3 and 4 are great to use because you can distribute them easily even if you are upgrading some barracks. For example 60 Archers or 12 Giants.
- 6 Barbs = 1 Giant/Wallbreaker
- 5 Archers = 1 Giant/Wallbreaker (almost)
- 4 Goblins = 1 Giant/Wallbreaker
As an example, this is what you might do if you use the Healer/Giant strategy with 4 Barracks and 220 troops.
Fill your Army Camps with 18 Giants, 80 Archers, 1 Healer and 16 Barbarians
Queue up 20 Archers in each barracks before you attack
Start looking for a battle and click next until you find someone with over 150K gold
If you have clicked next for over 30 times and still haven't found anyone worth attacking then look for a base with over 80K loot in the collectors and just use 20-80 archers to take the loot (ie: look for empty xbows, no league shield, full elixir pumps, sleeping builders, zeroes at the end of loot quantities)
When you find someone worth attacking deploy the troops you need to win and go back to your base - if you have only used archers then you will be ready to look more and you can top up the queue to 20 archers each first
If you have used more than just archers then fill up the queue with the extra troops you need. For example if you used all your troops then your queue would look like this:
- Barracks 1: 20 Archers, 1 Healer, 1 Wallbreaker, 7 Barbarians
- Barracks 2: 20 Archers, 6 Giants, 3 Wallbreakers, 3 Barbarians
- Barracks 3: 20 Archers, 6 Giants, 3 Wallbreakers, 3 Barbarians
- Barracks 4: 20 Archers, 6 Giants, 3 Wallbreakers, 3 Barbarians
If you have 4 wallbreakers and/or 4 giants left over (for example) then you can just subtract 1 from each barracks - if you have a weirder set of troops left then just balance them as best you can.
After you have filled up the queue it is also a good idea to queue up the next 20 archers in each barracks at the end - so that when your army camps are full again you can just attack straight away.
If the first batch of 20 archers in each barracks aren't finished when you come back then you can queue up the rest of the troops and then delete the archers from the front of the queue and add them on to the 20 at the end.
If you need to donate to Clan Members then donate archers and then add them on to the 20 at the end of each queue.
If the barracks are set to finish creating troops at the exact same time they will always finish in the same order - line up your barracks in that order to make it easier to know where the troops will come from. If you need to donate 5 archers you can put 21 in each barracks and 22 in the first barracks and it will work perfectly every time.
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