Selasa, 03 Mei 2016

How to Do Gowipe for TH8 in Clash of Clans

Gowipe (Golem, Wizards and P.E.K.K.A) is a wonderful attack strategy for Town Hall 8+ players in Clash of Clans. This strategy is mostly used to get 2 or 3 stars during clan wars or regular bases. This article will guide you to perform this wonderful and exciting attack easily.


1. Train adequate troops. Gowipe mainly constitutes of 3 main troops i.e. Golem, Wizards and P.E.K.K.A. The number of troops needed must be chosen wisely as it totally depends on the strength of the base.[1]
- Golems range between 2 or 3 in Town Hall 8. The number of Golems is directly proportional to the strength of the base.
- Wizards are usually taken 18-21 in numbers. If the base is very large or has a lot of compartments, you may take more than 20 wizards for attack.
- P.E.K.K.A.s are mostly used for soaking up the defenses so 2 or 3 units are adequate for this composition.
- Wall breakers play an important role in speeding up the attack. Take 8 to 10 units for breaking at least 2 layers of walls.
- Take a Giant and fill the remaining space with archers. These two troops play a crucial role in killing the Clan Castle troops.

2. Prepare adequate spells. Spells play a significant role in this attack. For Town Hall 8, a combination of heal and rage spells are used for speeding the attack keeping in mind that troops must last for long. Poison spell must also be taken to kill or weaken the Clan Castle troops or skeletons.[2]

3. Find an appropriate base for attack. As stated earlier, Gowipe can easily get 2 star on your Town Hall or one level above you but the base selection must be ideal as Golem is a slow troop but can handle a lot of damage.
- Make sure that the base is not very large as Golem might run out of time to destroy all the defensive structures.
- Check if the base has a lot of spaces between buildings. Avoid such bases as spring traps might take away a lot of wizards, thus making the attack very slow.

4. Lure out the Clan Castle troops first. Drop an archer to the area which comes under the range of the Clan Castle, drop another archer away from the range of all the defenses to bring all the Clan Castle units to a spot such that all units are near to each other.
- In case, the Wizards and Archers come out, drop a poison spell to wipe them out. A level one poison spell is enough to take down the max level Wizards and Archers.
- If a troop with high hit-points like Dragon or Balloons comes out, from a giant to distract the troops and then scatter 4 to 5 wizards along with archers to kill them within the first 30 seconds of the attack.
- If Lava Hounds come out, drop a Golem and then scatter 5 to 6 Wizards along with Archers to disintegrate it into Lava Pups, they won't cause much damage and would be killed by the wizards later.

5. Drop 2 or 3 Golems a little bit away from each other. If you are carrying 2 Golems, make sure that you drop them 10 to 11 tiles away from each other. Else, if you are carrying 3 Golems, drop them 5 to 6 tiles away from each other. Make sure that they don't target the same defense.[3]

6. Drop in all the Wall-breakers to make the way for the Golems. Golems can become very fragile if they are left to deal with walls for a long time. Make sure that the Wall-breakers aren't killed by the splash damage defenses like Wizards and Mortars.

7. Immediately, drop some of your Wizards to clear the outer buildings. Make sure that you have at least 12 or 13 wizards remaining for leading them inside the base.

8. Quickly, drop in all the remaining Wizards, P.E.K.K.A.s and Barbarian King. P.E.K.K.A.s and Barbarian King are fond of going round the base, make sure no outer building remains for them.[4]

9. Drop Rage and Heal spells. Always get the best out of your Heal spells, drop them such that they cover maximum troops. Rage them when the troops are near the Town Hall.

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